[openstack-dev] [Monasca] Minutes for Monasca mid-cycle meetup

Hochmuth, Roland M roland.hochmuth at hp.com
Tue Aug 11 19:55:53 UTC 2015

Hi Chris,

Thanks for reaching out. I would be interested in joint sessions on
Monasca and Ceilometer at the Tokyo Summit. We had a joint
Ceilometer/Monasca session at the Paris Design Summit and had identified
several areas to work on together. It has been a while since we've sync'd
up though. We should probably get together prior to the Tokyo Summit to
plan further.

The work that you are doing to split-out components is very interesting to
the Monasca project. We were really interested in the direction that this
was headed. As you mention, the Ceilometer data collection pipeline is
extremely interesting to Monasca. The work that we've been doing around
what we refer to as Ceilosca, is where we see immediate utilization. I
think you were at the session in Vancouver where some folks mentioned the
possibility of using the Ceilometer data collection pipeline to send to
Monasca, and that aligns with our thoughts too.

Although the Monasca Agent supports collecting a lot of different metrics,
the one area that it needs additional capabilities is collecting metrics
and events for OpenStack resources. The Monasca Agent supports collecting
metrics for instances/Vms, but we would like to add support for the rest
of the OpenStack resources and don't want to re-create this in our Agent.
Currently, we've been addressing this problem via a Ceilometer to Monasca
publisher in the repo at, https://github.com/stackforge/monasca-ceilometer.

The alarm system, called Aodh, is also potentially interesting. Monasca
also has a alarm/threshold engine that is an in-memory streaming alarm
engine based on Apache Storm. Everything in Monasca has been ported to
Python, except for the Monasca Threshold Engine. As Aodh is written in
Python already, maybe it could be a drop in Python replacement for our
existing Threshold Engine as we would like to get the remaining component
moved over to Python.

It sounds like we should connect up soon. I could attend a Ceilometer
meeting, or you could attend the Monasca meeting which is held Tuesday
mornings at 9:00 MST.

Regards --Roland

On 8/11/15, 1:53 AM, "Chris Dent" <chdent at redhat.com> wrote:

>On Tue, 11 Aug 2015, Hochmuth, Roland M wrote:
>> The minutes for the meetup are at,
>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/monasca_liberty_mid_cycle. If anyone
>> would like to discuss further or would like further clarification please
>> let me know.
>Thanks for posting that and the linked etherpads.
>One thing I noticed was a section on summit activities about joint
>sessions with other projects. I'd like to encourage Monasca folk and
>Ceilometer folk to have at least one joint session.
>Many people within the Ceilometer project are working hard to decompose
>its various bits of functionality to make it more usable in diverse
>toolchains. Making sure that the extracted alarm system (now called
>Aodh) and the forthcoming extracted polling system will be useful to
>Monasca is a priority.
>Some parts of Ceilometer (the data gathering aspects perhaps?)
>presumably have greater potential use to Monasca than others (the
>legacy mongodb and SQL-based datastores). Working together to
>ensure interoperability of the important parts would be good.
>I think present-day Ceilometer and Monasca are working on the same goal:
>Making an alternative to the old Ceilometer. It seems likely there is
>some productive collaboration that can happen?
>Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent
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