[openstack-dev] [Cinder] A possible solution for HA Active-Active

Morgan Fainberg morgan.fainberg at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 09:23:44 UTC 2015

> On Aug 1, 2015, at 09:51, Monty Taylor <mordred at inaugust.com> wrote:
>> On 08/01/2015 03:40 AM, Mike Perez wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 8:56 AM, Joshua Harlow <harlowja at outlook.com> wrote:
>>> ...random thought here, skip as needed... in all honesty orchestration
>>> solutions like mesos
>>> (http://mesos.apache.org/assets/img/documentation/architecture3.jpg),
>>> map-reduce solutions like hadoop, stream processing systems like apache
>>> storm (...), are already using zookeeper and I'm not saying we should just
>>> use it cause they are, but the likelihood that they just picked it for no
>>> reason are imho slim.
>> I'd really like to see focus cross project. I don't want Ceilometer to
>> depend on Zoo Keeper, Cinder to depend on etcd, etc. This is not ideal
>> for an operator to have to deploy, learn and maintain each of these
>> solutions.
>> I think this is difficult when you consider everyone wants options of
>> their preferred DLM. If we went this route, we should pick one.
>> Regardless, I want to know if we really need a DLM. Does Ceilometer
>> really need a DLM? Does Cinder really need a DLM? Can we just use a
>> hash ring solution where operators don't even have to know or care
>> about deploying a DLM and running multiple instances of Cinder manager
>> just works?
> I'd like to take that one step further and say that we should also look
> holistically at the other things that such technology are often used for
> in distributed systems and see if, in addition to "Does Cinder need a
> DLM" - ask "does Cinder need service discover" and "does Cinder need
> distributed KV store" and does anyone else?
> Adding something like zookeeper or etcd or consul has the potential to
> allow us to design an OpenStack that works better. Adding all of them in
> an ad-hoc and uncoordinated manner is a bit sledgehammery.
> The Java community uses zookeeper a lot
> The container orchestration community seem to all love etcd
> I hear tell that there a bunch of ops people who are in love with consul
> I'd suggest we look at more than lock management.

From the perspective of what zookeeper, consul, or etcd (no particular order of preference) brings to the table, i would like to see a hard look taken at incorporating at least one of them this way. 

I see it as a huge win (especially from the keystone side and with distributed key-value-store capabilities). There are so many things we can do really improve openstack across the board. 

Utilizing consul or similar for helping to manage the keystone catalog or sourcing the individual endpoint policy.json without needing to copy it to horizon is just a start beyond the proposed DLM uses in this thread. 

There is a lot we can benefit from with one of these tools being generally available for openstack deployments. 


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