I wanted to make a quick update on the latest happenings with gabbi[0], the tool I've created to do "declarative" testing of OpenStack APIs (starting with Ceilometer and Gnocchi). * Jay Pipes and I are doing a presentation "API Matters" at summit. The latter of half of that will be me noodling about gabbi, including a demo.[1] * Preparing for that demo made me want a command line tool to run the YAML so I made that and now it is integrated in the latest release. It provides the interesting function of being able to run what appear to be Python unittests against any web server.[2] * I finally got around to writing probably the most important part of the documentation: an annotated example YAML file.[3] If you're at all involved with developing or testing web APIs, are interesting in gabbi and you've not yet had a chance to give it a look it would be great if you could do so soon. I'm hoping to stabilize the test format and make a 1.0 release soon. [0] https://cdent.github.io/gabbi/ [1] http://openstacksummitmay2015vancouver.sched.org/event/176411fff081aad3d7f275632f70d52b [2] http://gabbi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/runner.html [3] http://gabbi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/example.html -- Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent https://tank.peermore.com/tanks/cdent