[openstack-dev] [Ironic] ironic-specs open for Liberty!

Jay Faulkner jay at jvf.cc
Fri Apr 10 17:38:04 UTC 2015


Just a note to let you know Liberty specs are open for Ironic.

Template Changes
There are two minor changes to the spec template for Liberty:
 - State Machine Impact is now a full section, where changes to Ironic’s State Machine should be called out.
 - In the REST API Impact section, submitters should indicate if the microversion should be incremented as part of the change.

Kilo Specs
If you had a spec approved for Kilo that didn’t get implemented, please put in a merge request moving the spec from kilo-archive/ to liberty/, and ensure your spec complies with the new template by adding a State Machine Impact section and indicating any microversion version changes needed in the REST API Impact section.

Backlog Specs
As a reminder; Ironic does still employ a spec backlog for desired features that aren’t ready for implementation due to time, priority, or dependencies. If there are any specs currently in the backlog you’d like to propose for Liberty, please move it from backlog/ to liberty/ and add the additional required information for a full spec.

Thanks to everyone for a successful Kilo cycle, and I’m looking forward to seeing the new slate of ideas for Liberty.

Jay Faulkner

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