Hi all, On the cross project meeting today, i promised to bring this to the ML[1]. So here it is: Question : Can a StackForge project (like nova-docker), depend on a library (docker-py) that is not specified in global requirements? Right now the answer seems to be "No", as enforced by the CI systems. For the specific problems, see review: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/130065/ You can see that check-tempest-dsvm-f20-docker fails: http://logs.openstack.org/65/130065/1/check/check-tempest-dsvm-f20-docker/f9000d4/devstacklog.txt.gz and the gate-nova-docker-requirements fails: http://logs.openstack.org/65/130065/1/check/gate-nova-docker-requirements/34256d2/console.html For this specific instance, the reason for adding this dependency is to get rid of custom http client in nova-docker project that just duplicates the functionality, needs to be maintained and does not do proper checking etc. But the question is general in the broader since projects should be able to add dependencies and be able to run dsvm and requirements jobs until they are integrated and the delta list of new dependencies to global requirements should be vetted during the process. Thanks, dims PS: A really long rambling version of this email with a proposal to add a flag in devstack-gate/devstack is at [2], Actual review with hacks to get DSVM running by hook/crook that shows that docker-py indeed be used is at [3] [1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/project/2014/project.2014-10-21-21.02.log.html [2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/managing-reqs-for-projects-to-be-integrated [3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/128790/ -- Davanum Srinivas :: https://twitter.com/dims