On Wed 28 May 2014 (01:08), Tian, Shuangtai wrote: > Hi, Hi. > Does anyone use the latest libvirt + xen +openstack ? In my ubuntu environment, It can not create VM , Because the blktap2 does not work. Which kernel are you using? Why does blktap2 not work? We're using libvirt+xen on Ubuntu, using theblktap2-dkms package and a 3.5 kernel (we couldn't use it with t a 3.8 due to this bug that seems resolved now [1]). [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blktap-dkms/+bug/1078843 Regards, -- Álvaro López García aloga at ifca.unican.es Instituto de Física de Cantabria http://alvarolopez.github.io Ed. Juan Jordá, Campus UC tel: (+34) 942 200 969 Avda. de los Castros s/n 39005 Santander (SPAIN) _____________________________________________________________________ http://xkcd.com/571/