[openstack-dev] [Nova] Updates to Juno blueprint review process

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Tue Mar 25 04:01:45 UTC 2014

On 03/24/2014 09:20 AM, Russell Bryant wrote:
> Another critical point of clarification ... we are *not* moving out of
> blueprints at all.  We're still using them for tracking, just as before.
>  We are *adding* the use of gerrit for reviewing the design.

That changes things, thank you for the clarification. If I understand
correctly, pages like
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/HowToContribute#Feature_development will
still be valid at pointing at Launchpad Blueprints as the tool we use
for the design, roadmap, tracking of progress. What changes is that for
Nova all blueprints will have to have a URL added to the specifications,
filed in a gerrit repository.

I can live with that, even though I personally think this is a horrible
hack and a major tech debt we need to solve properly in the shortest
amount of time.


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