[openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] Mini-summit Interest?

Edgar Magana emagana at plumgrid.com
Mon Mar 10 18:59:11 UTC 2014


I found that having a mini-summit with a very short notice means excluding
a lot of developers of such an interesting topic for Neutron.
The OpenStack summit is the opportunity for all developers to come
together and discuss the next steps, there are many developers that CAN
NOT afford another trip for a "special" summit. I am personally against
that and I do support Mark's proposal of having all the conversation over
IRC and mailing list.

Please, do not start excluding people that won't be able to attend another
face-to-face meeting besides the summit. I believe that these are the
little things that make an open source community weak if we do not control



On 3/6/14 9:51 PM, "Mark McClain" <mmcclain at yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

>On Mar 6, 2014, at 4:31 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2014-03-06 at 21:14 +0000, Youcef Laribi wrote:
>>> +1
>>> I think if we can have it before the Juno summit, we can take
>>> concrete, well thought-out proposals to the community at the summit.
>> Unless something has changed starting at the Hong Kong design summit
>> (which unfortunately I was not able to attend), the design summits have
>> always been a place to gather to *discuss* and *debate* proposed
>> blueprints and design specs. It has never been about a gathering to
>> rubber-stamp proposals that have already been hashed out in private
>> somewhere else.
>You are correct that is the goal of the design summit.  While I do think
>it is wise to discuss the next steps with LBaaS at this point in time, I
>am not a proponent of in person mini-design summits.  Many contributors
>to LBaaS are distributed all over the global, and scheduling a mini
>summit with short notice will exclude valuable contributors to the team.
>I¹d prefer to see an open process with discussions on the mailing list
>and specially scheduled IRC meetings to discuss the ideas.
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