[openstack-dev] Climate Incubation Application

Dina Belova dbelova at mirantis.com
Thu Mar 6 09:10:02 UTC 2014

Thierry, hello.

> Anne Gentle wrote:

> > It feels like it should be part of a scheduler or reservation program

> > but we don't have one today. We also don't have a workflow, planning, or

> > capacity management program, all of which these use cases could fall

> >

> > (I should know this but) What are the options when a program doesn't

> > exist already? Am I actually struggling with a scope expansion beyond

> > infrastructure definitions? I'd like some more discussion by next week's

> > TC meeting.


> When a project files for incubation and covers a new scope, they also

> file for a new program to go with it.

Yes, we've prepared 'Resource Reservation' program - but it seems to me,
that now we should reexamine it due to idea of common program for Gantt and
Climate, and, probably, Mistral (as Anne said >>> We also don't have a
workflow, planning, or capacity management program, all of which these use
cases could fall under.  <<<)

> Dina Belova wrote:

> > I think your idea is really interesting. I mean, that thought "Gantt -

> > where to schedule, Climate - when to schedule" is quite understandable

> > and good looking.


> Would Climate also be usable to support functionality like Spot

> Instances ? "Schedule when spot price falls under X" ?

Really good question. Personally I think that Climate might help
implementing this feature, but probably it's not the main thing that will
work there.

Here are my concerns about it. Spot instances require way of counting
instance price:

* that might be done by *online* counting of free capacity. If so, that's
something that might be managed by billing service - price counting due to
current load. In this case I can imagine hardly how lease service might
help - that will be only some approximate capacity planning help in future

* there is other way - if every instance in cloud will be reserved via
Climate (so there will be full planning). If so, Climate will know for sure
what and when will be running. And price will be some priority stuff there
- due to it not started leases will be rescheduled. Like if capacity load
in moment X is Y and user gives price Z for some VM and it's more than
minimal price counted for that X moment, his VM will be leased for X. If
not, place for VM will be found later.

It were some quick  thoughts about this idea, I'm pretty sure there might
be some other variants about it.



On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 7:35 PM, Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org>wrote:

> Dina Belova wrote:
> > I think your idea is really interesting. I mean, that thought "Gantt -
> > where to schedule, Climate - when to schedule" is quite understandable
> > and good looking.
> Would Climate also be usable to support functionality like Spot
> Instances ? "Schedule when spot price falls under X" ?
> --
> Thierry Carrez (ttx)
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Best regards,

Dina Belova

Software Engineer

Mirantis Inc.
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