[openstack-dev] [TripleO] devtest thoughts
Ben Nemec
openstack at nemebean.com
Thu Jan 30 19:08:44 UTC 2014
On 2014-01-30 09:28, James Slagle wrote:
> devtest, our TripleO setup, has been rapidly evolving. We've added a
> fair amount of configuration options for stuff like using actual
> baremetal, and (soon) HA deployments by default. Also, the scripts
> (which the docs are generated from) are being used for both CD and CI.
> This is all great progress.
> However, due to these changes, I think that devtest no longer works
> great as a tripleo developer setup. You haven't been able to complete
> a setup following our docs for >1 week now. The patches are in review
> to fix that, and they need to be properly reviewed and I'm not saying
> they should be rushed. Just that it's another aspect of the problem of
> trying to use devtest for CI/CD and a dev setup.
> I think it might be time to have a developer setup vs. devtest, which
> is more of a documented tripleo setup at this point.
> In irc earlier this week (sorry if i misquoting the intent here), I
> saw mention of getting setup easier by just using a seed to deploy an
> overcloud. I think that's a great idea. We are all already probably
> doing it :). Why not document that in some sort of fashion?
> There would be some initial trade offs, around folks not necessarily
> understanding the full devtest process. But, you don't necessarily
> need to understand all of that to hack on the upgrade story, or
> tuskar, or ironic.
> These are just some additional thoughts around the process and mail I
> sent earlier this week:
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-January/025726.html
> But, I thought this warranted a broader discussion.
Another aspect I've noticed lately is that there has been discussion
around making sure the defaults in devtest are production-ready, which
seems to contradict both parts of the name devtest. :-)
I haven't really thought through how we would go about splitting things
up, but I agree that it's a discussion we need to be having.
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