[openstack-dev] Disabling file injection *by default*
Robert Collins
robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Jan 21 22:06:16 UTC 2014
On 22 January 2014 03:03, Russell Bryant <rbryant at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 01/20/2014 09:29 PM, Robert Collins wrote:
>> I was reminded of this while I cleaned up failed file injection nbd
>> devices on ci-overcloud.tripleo.org :/ - what needs to happen for us
>> to change the defaults around file injection so that it's disabled?
> It should use libguestfs for file injection instead of nbd. :-)
So the current default is nbd, and TripleO really tries hard to use defaults :).
>> I'm not talking deprecation or removal, though both of those things
>> are super appealing :). I'm presuming the steps needed to change the
>> default are:
>> - a blueprint, as it's changelog worthy for the release
>> - a DocImpact patch that changes the default for drivers that
>> currently default it on
>> Anything else?
> No, that's it. Go ahead and file one.
> Consider this thread a last call for objections to changing the default
> in Icehouse to off for all drivers.
I'll let the BP be approved before putting up (or agitating other folk
to put up :P) patches.
Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud
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