[openstack-dev] [Trove] Trove-Gate timeouts

Nikhil Manchanda nikhil at manchanda.me
Tue Feb 18 04:13:45 UTC 2014

Hi Mathew:

Nice work identifying these issues with the current Jenkins integration
tests! I'm looking into some of these issues at the moment and am
attempting to ensure that the appropriate fixes are merged so that the
Trove integration gate job is healthy again.

Some of my comments are inline.

Lowery, Mathew writes:

> Hi all,
> Issue #1: Jobs that need more than one hour

> Suggested action items:
>   *   If it is acceptable to have jobs that run over one hour, then
>   install the latest boot-hpcloud-vm plugin for Jenkins which will
>   increase the make the operation timeout match the idle timeout.

Turns out that some of the configuration parameters changes checked in
pushed the gate job above this timeout threshold. For the time
being, I suggest we increase the timeout value of the gate job to cater
to this increase. However, we also need to take a closer look at our
test suite, to see how we might be able to parallelize tests and
speed things up.

> Issue #2: The running time of all jobs is 1 hr 1 min

> Suggested action items:
>   * Given that the minimum running time is one hour, I assume the
>   problem is in the net-ssh-simple library. Needs more investigation.

I took a brief look at this and it seems like this might be a bug with the
underlying plugin. I will try and contact Matty Rhodes who is the author
of the plugin to take a look.

> Issue #3: Jenkins console log line timestamps different between full
> and truncated views
> Suggested action items:
>   *   Upgrade the timestamper
>   plugin<https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Timestamper>.

I've gone ahead and updated the timestamper plugin on the rdjenkins box,
so that this should no longer be an issue.

Let me know if you find anything else.


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