[openstack-dev] heat run_tests.sh fails with one huge line of output

Mike Spreitzer mspreitz at us.ibm.com
Sun Feb 16 21:20:52 UTC 2014

Kevin, I changed no code, it was a fresh DevStack install.

Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote on 02/16/2014 05:33:59 
> A) [fixed in testrepository trunk] the output from subunit.run 
> discover .... --list is being shown verbatim when an error happens, 
> rather than being machine processed and the test listings elided. 
> To use trunk - in your venv:
> bzr branch lp:testrepository
> pip install testrepository
> B) If you look at the end of that wall of text you'll see 'Failed 
> imports' in there, and the names after that are modules that failed 
> to import - for each of those if you try to import it in python, 
> you'll find the cause, and there's likely just one cause.

Thanks Robert, I tried following your leads but got nowhere, perhaps I 
need a few more clues.

I am not familiar with bzr (nor baz), and it wasn't obvious to me how to 
fit that into my workflow --- which was:
(1) install DevStack
(2) install libmysqlclient-dev
(3) install flake8
(4) cd /opt/stack/heat
(5) ./run_tests.sh

I guessed that your (A) would apply if I use a venv and go between (1) the 
`python tools/install_venv.py` inside run_tests.sh and (2) the invocation 
inside run_tests.sh of its run_tests function.  So I manually invoked 
`python tools/install_venv.py`, then entered that venv, then issued your 
commands of (A) (discovered I needed to install bzr and did so), then 
exited that venv, then invoked heat's `run_tests -V -u` to use the venv 
thus constructed.  It still produced one huge line of output.  Here I 
attach a typescript of that:

You will see that the huge line still ends with something about import 
error, and now lists one additional package --- 
heat.tests.test_neutron_firewalld.  I then tried your (B), testing manual 
imports.   All worked except for the last, which failed because there is 
indeed no such thing (why is there a spurrious 'd' at the end of the 
package name?).  Here is a typescript of that:

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