[openstack-dev] [OpenStack-Dev] [Cinder] Summer 2014 meetup summary

John Griffith john.griffith at solidfire.com
Fri Aug 15 04:30:59 UTC 2014

Hey Everyone,

I wanted to send out a quick message regarding the Cinder Mid-Cycle (kinda)
Meetup we just finished up at the Fort Collins HP Site.

 First off, I want to thank everyone who attended for a great and very
productive three days!!  Not only did we have a strong physical turn-out
(16 participants) but we also had a good number of folks attend via Google
HangOuts.  We covered a lot of topics and details as a group.  Agenda items
ranged from collective review of new Cinder features for Juno
(Pool-Scheduler, Consistency-Groups and Replication) to sharing approaches
to third-party CI deployment and lessons learned.  We also spent a good
deal of time discussing future plans and ideas for Cinder.

We had a great mix of folks, including long time core members, new
contributors and everything inbetween.  This even included representatives
from the Infra Team as well as a guest appearance from the Horizon team.
 It was a great format and everybody really pulled together in an inclusive
format to help accomplish quite a bit and set the tone for work to do in
the upcoming Kilo release.

Anyway, IMO it was a great effort and I really appreciate all those who
participated.  If you'd like more detail on the things that we discussed
you can check out the etherpad which includes some of the nitty gritty
details. Of course any questions or details for those that weren't present,
drop in to the Cinder channel with any questions or ideas that you might


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