[openstack-dev] [heat] [heat-templates] [qa] [tempest] Questions about images

Mike Spreitzer mspreitz at us.ibm.com
Wed Apr 16 15:39:59 UTC 2014

Many of the templates in the heat-templates project have built-in 
expectations of image names; here is an example excerpt:

    F18: {'32': F18-i386-cfntools, '64': F18-x86_64-cfntools}
    F17: {'32': F17-i386-cfntools, '64': F17-x86_64-cfntools}
    U10: {'32': U10-i386-cfntools, '64': U10-x86_64-cfntools}
    RHEL-6.1: {'32': rhel61-i386-cfntools, '64': rhel61-x86_64-cfntools}
    RHEL-6.2: {'32': rhel62-i386-cfntools, '64': rhel62-x86_64-cfntools}
    RHEL-6.3: {'32': rhel63-i386-cfntools, '64': rhel63-x86_64-cfntools}

>From where should a user get these images?  I have discovered --- I do not 
even remember how --- that there are some images with names like those in 
http://fedorapeople.org/groups/heat/prebuilt-jeos-images/ .  Is that the 
right source?  Is that documented anywhere?

That directory contains only Fedora images.  From where are we expected to 
get the Ubuntu and RHEL images?

That directory does not contain Fedora 20 images.  Should they be added? I 
am willing to do the work if that is the right thing to do; how would I 
create those images?

Do we still need to build special images?  Recent releases of Ubuntu and 
Fedora have cloud-init built in; I assume the same is true for RHEL.

What are good date-independent URLs for recent Fedora releases?  Steve 
Hardy has mentioned http://cloud.fedoraproject.org/fedora-20.x86_64.qcow2 
(and the obvious parallels for release 19 and for 32 bits also exist); I 
know of no other date-independent URLs for Fedora 19 and 20.

For releases that have cloud-init built in, should the templates expect 
image names that are derived in the obvious way from the date-independent 

seems to be broken; I get failures every time I try to use it.  Has 
anybody had success with it?  Following is an example failure I found in 

2014-04-16 11:18:02.503 ERROR nova.compute.manager 
[req-b7328d4e-4816-4ab4-ab56-bea856808745 a32cb99086d74eebb46dda1fb9e2c18a 
a79c9abf0e6b4794b6d9c4ee09275902] [instance: 
c975ece9-efc4-450d-9c66-5804b17a5f14] Error: ['Traceback (most recent call 
last):\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line 864, in 
_run_instance\n    set_access_ip=set_access_ip)\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line 1123, in 
_spawn\n    LOG.exception(_(\'Instance failed to spawn\'), 
instance=instance)\n', '  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/contextlib.py", line 
24, in __exit__\n    self.gen.next()\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line 1119, in 
_spawn\n    block_device_info)\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py", line 1524, 
in spawn\n    admin_pass=admin_password)\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py", line 1809, 
in _create_image\n    project_id=instance[\'project_id\'])\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/imagebackend.py", line 
158, in cache\n    *args, **kwargs)\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/imagebackend.py", line 
259, in create_image\n    prepare_template(target=base, *args, 
**kwargs)\n', '  File 
line 228, in inner\n    retval = f(*args, **kwargs)\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/imagebackend.py", line 
146, in call_if_not_exists\n    fetch_func(target=target, *args, 
**kwargs)\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/utils.py", line 597, 
in fetch_image\n    images.fetch_to_raw(context, image_id, target, 
user_id, project_id)\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/images.py", line 227, in 
fetch_to_raw\n    convert_image(path_tmp, staged, \'raw\')\n', '  File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/virt/images.py", line 190, in 
convert_image\n    utils.execute(*cmd, run_as_root=run_as_root)\n', ' File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/utils.py", line 239, in execute\n  
cmd=\' \'.join(cmd))\n', "ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while 
running command.\nCommand: qemu-img convert -O raw 
code: 1\nStdout: ''\nStderr: 'qemu-img: error while reading sector 
7397376: Input/output error\\n'\n"]

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