[openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] Weekly subteam meeting April 10 14-00 UTC

Eugene Nikanorov enikanorov at mirantis.com
Thu Apr 10 15:10:08 UTC 2014

Hi folks, a short follow-up:


Action items

   1. Jorge to engage in "Single API" discussion on ML
   2. outline issues of existing LBaaS API
   3. Jorge to create API proposal based off of Atlas API spec.
   4. Add "least common denominator" requirements to wiki


On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 7:20 PM, Eugene Nikanorov <enikanorov at mirantis.com>wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Our next meeting is as usual on Thursday, 14-00 UTC
> From the last meeting there was basically two major action items:
> 1) contribute to deployment scenarios statistics:
> https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ar1FuMFYRhgadDVXZ25NM2NfbGtLTkR0TDFNUWJQUWc
> 2) Make proposals for 'single-call API' as was discussed on the meeting.
> The use cases that needs to be addressed are in the document, that Sam has
> prepeared:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ewl95yxAMq2fO0Z6Dz6fL-w2FScERQXQR1-mXuSINis/edit
> In other words, proposals should show a call/sequence of calls that
> configure lbaas for certain use case.
> Unfortunately we didn't get much replies on ML.
> So please try to present your ideas on ML+wiki+etherpad+google
> docs/whatever, so we have material to review and discuss and not just ideas
> off the top of someone's head.
> Thanks,
> Eugene.
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