[openstack-dev] Gate issues - what you can do to help

Monty Taylor mordred at inaugust.com
Sat Sep 28 04:11:27 UTC 2013

On 09/28/2013 12:08 AM, Gareth wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 9:43 PM, Sean Dague <sean at dague.net
> <mailto:sean at dague.net>> wrote:
>     Right now the gate is extremely full, there are a number of reasons
>     for that. What's more important right now is to try not to make it
>     worse while we get resolution on things.
>     1) Please *do not* Approve or Reverify stable/* patches. The
>     pyparsing requirements conflict with neutron client from earlier in
>     the week is still not resolved on stable/*. A stable/* approved
>     patch will not get through the gate, and it will just reset everyone
>     else, adding 40 minutes to the gate time for all patches in the queue.
> This is not the first time say "please don't reverify or approve". Can
> we add a feature in the future to temporarily block all patches except
> tempest or some specified ones? Or privilege gate for some important
> patches.

Agree with the sentiment. We had a good brainstorming session in IRC
about better ways to handle this systemically. We're going to test out a
couple of them and hopefully have a better answer soonish.

>     2) Please help with the 2 bugs that Joe Gordon posted earlier.
>     There is a Neutron issue, which looks like it might be a db deadlock
>     - https://bugs.launchpad.net/__neutron/+bug/1230407
>     <https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1230407> which is bouncing
>     jobs a lot in the gate
>     There is a Volumes test fail
>     https://bugs.launchpad.net/__tempest/+bug/1226337
>     <https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/1226337>, which looks like
>     it is tgt quietly failing to spin up a volume, and cinder not
>     noticing. We've got a change in the check queue to try to enable
>     more debugging to get to the bottom of it. However more help on it
>     would be useful.
>             -Sean
>     -- 
>     Sean Dague
>     http://dague.net
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> Gareth
> /Cloud Computing, OpenStack, Fitness, Basketball/
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