[openstack-dev] Blueprint w/ Patch: Guru Meditation Reports

Solly Ross sross at redhat.com
Tue Jun 11 14:11:04 UTC 2013

It was proposed (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo/+spec/guru-meditation-report) that OpenStack services have a framework for building reports for debugging and crash information purposes.  The idea would be that reports would be dumped to stderr on SIGUSR1, to help admins and devs identify issues.  The report would contain live configuration information, as well as current threads and green threads with stack traces, and the capability to register additional sections as well.  I was hoping to get some discussion on the proposal, and perhaps eventually get it approved.

I have submitted a patch implementing the proposal here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack/?searchtext=guru-meditation-report, if anybody wants to try it out and/or get a feel for the proposal from a code perspective.

Best Regards,
Solly Ross

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