[openstack-dev] [barbican] DB Migrations

David Ripton dripton at redhat.com
Mon Jun 3 18:41:19 UTC 2013

On 06/03/2013 12:34 PM, Douglas Mendizabal wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We're using SQLAlchemy in the Barbican project and we're looking add db
> schema migrations.  We looked at sqlalchemy-migrate since it is being
> used in a few other projects, but the docs recommend using Alembic for
> new projects.
> We're thinking of going with Alembic, since it seems it's better
> maintained.  Just wanted to reach out to the mailing list to see if
> anyone had any input for/against Alembic.

The grass is always greener on the other side, but I totally suggest 
Alembic.  sqlalchemy-migrate's overly-linear nature causes pain for Nova 
on a regular basis.  (For example, there are currently multiple patches 
in review with migrate #185.  Whichever one doesn't get in first will 
have to rename and re-review.)

David Ripton   Red Hat   dripton at redhat.com

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