[openstack-dev] headsup - transient test failures on py26 ' cannot import name OrderedDict'

Joshua Harlow harlowja at yahoo-inc.com
Wed Jul 17 14:20:47 UTC 2013

Well that's no fun,

RedhatEL and centos need python 2.6 support so it amazes/frustrates me that 2.6 can be broke. I think we need to depend on those that are supporting 2.6 to put pressure on upstream dependencies to ensure 2.6 compat. Or  offer up alternative solutions that will work under 2.6. Having it fail for such a long period seems unacceptable to me. This is especially worrisome to me since RH should be finding these issues (I thought).

My 2 cents,

Sent from my really tiny device...

On Jul 17, 2013, at 5:15 AM, "Robert Collins" <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:

> Python 2.6 isn't one of the official supported Pythons for
> testrepository, and I managed to break that when I fixed tests on
> Python3.3 (which has more random dicts). So Testrepository 0.0.16
> breaks on 2.6, 0.0.17 is fixed.
> However until the fixed version propogates into the OpenStack-infra
> PyPI mirror, I think every Python2.6 run will fail in this way.
> a) sorry.
> b) Can we not say 'if you want to run OpenStack on a Python version
> upstream python don't support, it's your problem, not ours' ?
> -Rob
> -- 
> Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
> Distinguished Technologist
> HP Cloud Services
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