[openstack-dev] Horizon and Tuskar-UI codebase merge

Lyle, David david.lyle at hp.com
Thu Dec 19 16:29:52 UTC 2013

So after a lot of consideration, my opinion is the two code bases should stay in separate repos under the Horizon Program, for a few reasons:
-Adding a large chunk of code for an incubated project is likely going to cause the Horizon delivery some grief due to dependencies and packaging issues at the distro level.
-The code in Tuskar-UI is currently in a large state of flux/rework.  The Tuskar-UI code needs to be able to move quickly and at times drastically, this could be detrimental to the stability of Horizon.  And conversely, the stability needs of Horizon and be detrimental to the speed at which Tuskar-UI can change.
-Horizon Core can review changes in the Tuskar-UI code base and provide feedback without the code needing to be integrated in Horizon proper.  Obviously, with an eye to the code bases merging in the long run.

As far as core group organization, I think the current Tuskar-UI core should maintain their +2 for only Tuskar-UI.  Individuals who make significant review contributions to Horizon will certainly be considered for Horizon core in time.  I agree with Gabriel's suggestion of adding Horizon Core to tuskar-UI core.  The idea being that Horizon core is looking for compatibility with Horizon initially and working toward a deeper understanding of the Tuskar-UI code base.  This will help insure the integration process goes as smoothly as possible when Tuskar/TripleO comes out of incubation. 

I look forward to being able to merge the two code bases, but I don't think the time is right yet and Horizon should stick to only integrating code into OpenStack Dashboard that is out of incubation.  We've made exceptions in the past, and they tend to have unfortunate consequences.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jiri Tomasek [mailto:jtomasek at redhat.com]
> Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 4:40 AM
> To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Horizon and Tuskar-UI codebase merge
> On 12/19/2013 08:58 AM, Matthias Runge wrote:
> > On 12/18/2013 10:33 PM, Gabriel Hurley wrote:
> >
> >> Adding developers to Horizon Core just for the purpose of reviewing
> >> an incubated umbrella project is not the right way to do things at
> >> all.  If my proposal of two separate groups having the +2 power in
> >> Gerrit isn't technically feasible then a new group should be created
> >> for management of umbrella projects.
> > Yes, I totally agree.
> >
> > Having two separate projects with separate cores should be possible
> > under the umbrella of a program.
> >
> > Tuskar differs somewhat from other projects to be included in horizon,
> > because other projects contributed a view on their specific feature.
> > Tuskar provides an additional dashboard and is talking with several apis
> > below. It's a something like a separate dashboard to be merged here.
> >
> > When having both under the horizon program umbrella, my concern is,
> that
> > both projects wouldn't be coupled so tight, as I would like it.
> >
> > Esp. I'd love to see an automatic merge of horizon commits to a
> > (combined) tuskar and horizon repository, thus making sure, tuskar will
> > work in a fresh (updated) horizon environment.
> Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think this is not an issue.
> Currently Tuskar-UI is run from Horizon fork. In local Horizon fork we
> create symlink to tuskar-ui local clone and to run Horizon with
> Tuskar-UI we simply start Horizon server. This means that Tuskar-UI runs
> on latest version of Horizon. (If you pull regularly of course).
> >
> > Matthias
> >
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> Jirka

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