[openstack-dev] [trove] My thoughts on the Unified Guest Agent

Dmitry Mescheryakov dmescheryakov at mirantis.com
Wed Dec 18 17:57:38 UTC 2013

2013/12/18 Steven Dake <sdake at redhat.com>

>  On 12/18/2013 08:34 AM, Tim Simpson wrote:
> I've been following the Unified Agent mailing list thread for awhile now
> and, as someone who has written a fair amount of code for both of the two
> existing Trove agents, thought I should give my opinion about it. I like
> the idea of a unified agent, but believe that forcing Trove to adopt this
> agent for use as its by default will stifle innovation and harm the project.
> There are reasons Trove has more than one agent currently. While everyone
> knows about the "Reference Agent" written in Python, Rackspace uses a
> different agent written in C++ because it takes up less memory. The
> concerns which led to the C++ agent would not be addressed by a unified
> agent, which if anything would be larger than the Reference Agent is
> currently.
> I also believe a unified agent represents the wrong approach
> philosophically. An agent by design needs to be lightweight, capable of
> doing exactly what it needs to and no more. This is especially true for a
> project like Trove whose goal is to not to provide overly general PAAS
> capabilities but simply installation and maintenance of different
> datastores. Currently, the Trove daemons handle most logic and leave the
> agents themselves to do relatively little. This takes some effort as many
> of the first iterations of Trove features have too much logic put into the
> guest agents. However through perseverance the subsequent designs are
> usually cleaner and simpler to follow. A community approved, "do
> everything" agent would endorse the wrong balance and lead to developers
> piling up logic on the guest side. Over time, features would become
> dependent on the Unified Agent, making it impossible to run or even
> contemplate light-weight agents.
> Trove's interface to agents today is fairly loose and could stand to be
> made stricter. However, it is flexible and works well enough. Essentially,
> the duck typed interface of the trove.guestagent.api.API class is used to
> send messages, and Trove conductor is used to receive them at which point
> it updates the database. Because both of these components can be swapped
> out if necessary, the code could support the Unified Agent when it appears
> as well as future agents.
> It would be a mistake however to alter Trove's standard method of
> communication to please the new Unified Agent. In general, we should try to
> keep Trove speaking to guest agents in Trove's terms alone to prevent bloat.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> Tim,
> You raise very valid points that I'll summarize into bullet points:
> * memory footprint of a python-based agent
> * guest-agent feature bloat with no clear path to refactoring
> * an agent should do one thing and do it well
> The competing viewpoint is from downstream:
> * How do you get those various agents into the various linux distributions
> cloud images and maintain them
> A unified agent addresses the downstream viewpoint well, which is "There
> is only one agent to package and maintain, and it supports all the
> integrated OpenStack Program projects".
> Putting on my Fedora Hat for a moment, I'm not a big fan of an agent per
> OpenStack project going into the Fedora 21 cloud images.
> Another option that we really haven't discussed on this long long thread
> is injecting the per-project agents into the vm on bootstrapping of the
> vm.  If we developed common code for this sort of operation and placed it
> into oslo, *and* agreed to use it as our common unifying mechanism of agent
> support, each project would be free to ship whatever agents they wanted in
> their packaging, use the proposed oslo.bootstrap code to bootstrap the VM
> via cloudinit with the appropriate agents installed in the proper
> locations, whamo, problem solved for everyone.

Funny thing is, the same idea was proposed and discussed among my
colleagues and me recently. We saw it as a Heat extension which could be
requested to inject guest agent into the VM. The list of required modules
could be passed as a request parameter. That can ease life of us, Savanna
devs, because we will not have to pre-install the agent on our images.

> Regards
> -steve
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