[openstack-dev] [TripleO][Tuskar] Terminology

Ladislav Smola lsmola at redhat.com
Thu Dec 12 10:53:30 UTC 2013

On 12/11/2013 08:59 PM, James Slagle wrote:
> This is really helpful, thanks for pulling it together.
> comment inline...
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Tzu-Mainn Chen <tzumainn at redhat.com> wrote:
>> * NODE a physical general purpose machine capable of running in many roles. Some nodes may have hardware layout that is particularly
>>         useful for a given role.
>>       * REGISTRATION - the act of creating a node in Ironic
>>       * ROLE - a specific workload we want to map onto one or more nodes. Examples include 'undercloud control plane', 'overcloud control
>>         plane', 'overcloud storage', 'overcloud compute' etc.
>>           * MANAGEMENT NODE - a node that has been mapped with an undercloud role
>>           * SERVICE NODE - a node that has been mapped with an overcloud role
>>              * COMPUTE NODE - a service node that has been mapped to an overcloud compute role
>>              * CONTROLLER NODE - a service node that has been mapped to an overcloud controller role
>>              * OBJECT STORAGE NODE - a service node that has been mapped to an overcloud object storage role
>>              * BLOCK STORAGE NODE - a service node that has been mapped to an overcloud block storage role
>>           * UNDEPLOYED NODE - a node that has not been mapped with a role
> This begs the question (for me anyway), why not call it UNMAPPED NODE?
>   If not, can we s/mapped/deployed in the descriptions above instead?
> It might make sense then to define mapped and deployed in technical
> terms as well.  Is mapped just the act of associating a node with a
> role in the UI, or does it mean that bits have actually been
> transferred across the wire to the node's disk and it's now running?

The way I see it, it depends where we have the node.

So Registered/Unregistered means the node is or is not in the 'nova 
baremetal-list' (Ironic). (we can't really have unregistered unless we 
can call autodiscover that just shows not registered nodes)
Registering is done via 'nova baremetal-node-create'

And Provisioned/Unprovisioned(Deployed, Booted, Mapped ??) means that 
the node is or is not in 'nova list'
Provisioning is done via 'nova boot'. Not sure about calling it mapping.
Basically, deciding what role the baremetal have is: if it was booted 
with image that is considered to be Compute Node image, then it's 
compute node. Right?
Other thing is whether the service it provides runs correctly.

>>                * another option - UNALLOCATED NODE - a node that has not been allocated through nova scheduler (?)
>>                                     - (after reading lifeless's explanation, I agree that "allocation" may be a
>>                                        misleading term under TripleO, so I personally vote for UNDEPLOYED)
>>       * INSTANCE - A role deployed on a node - this is where work actually happens.
>>       * SIZE THE ROLES - the act of deciding how many nodes will need to be assigned to each role
>>             * another option - DISTRIBUTE NODES (?)
>>                                   - (I think the former is more accurate, but perhaps there's a better way to say it?)
>>       * SCHEDULING - the process of deciding which role is deployed on which node
>>       * SERVICE CLASS - a further categorization within a service role for a particular deployment.
>>            * NODE PROFILE - a set of requirements that specify what attributes a node must have in order to be mapped to
>>                             a service class

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