[openstack-dev] [TripleO][Tuskar] Terminology

Matt Wagner matt.wagner at redhat.com
Wed Dec 11 22:23:27 UTC 2013

On Wed Dec 11 14:15:22 2013, Tzu-Mainn Chen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to clarify the terminology being used for Tuskar, which
> may be helpful so that we're sure that we're all talking about the
> same thing :)  I'm copying responses from the requirements thread and
> combining them with current requirements to try and create a unified
> view.  Hopefully, we can come to a reasonably rapid consensus on any
> desired changes; once that's done, the requirements can be updated. 

Your mail client seems to wrap lines awkwardly, well past the standard
length. Just seems kinda odd.

> * UNDEPLOYED NODE - a node that has not been mapped with a role 
>  * another option - UNALLOCATED NODE - a node that has not been
> allocated through nova scheduler (?)
>    - (after reading lifeless's
>       explanation, I agree that "allocation" may be a misleading term under
>       TripleO, so I personally vote for UNDEPLOYED)

Not to muddy the waters further, but 'undeployed' sounds a little bit to
me like the node was deployed, and then we un-deployed it. I think
'nondeployed' eliminates that, but makes it sound fairly odd.

I like James' "unmapped", FWIW. Though I guess it leaves the same
ambiguity about whether it was mapped and then un-mapped, or if it's yet
to be mapped.

> * SIZE THE ROLES - the act of deciding how many nodes will need to be
> assigned to each role 
>  * another option - DISTRIBUTE NODES (?) - (I
> think the former is more accurate, but perhaps there's a better way
> to say it?)

I don't love 'size the roles', though I'm not sure that 'distribute' has
the same meaning.

If I didn't already know what you meant, and you asked me what 'size the
nodes' meant, I'd assume it was about the size of a given instance --
e.g., does node X need 2GB RAM or should I give it 4GB?

What you're really doing is setting the 'count' of nodes, right? "Set
Node Count"? (I don't love that particular phrasing either, but it seems
more accurate/precise.)

> Does this seem accurate?  All feedback is appreciated!

Thanks for starting this discussing, Mainn. I agree with the others that
it's a good idea to get this stuff nailed down early on.

Matt Wagner
Software Engineer, Red Hat

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