Hello folks I wrote a blog post today after noticing again that reporters take the data published on Activity Board and Stackalytics as true, without asking questions to the protagonists. The problem is that at the moment none of the systems we have can guarantee that the data is presenting at any given time is true. In particular, the data about companies involvement in OpenStack is most likely to be more wrong than true (except possibly for the manually curated reports done at release time). I knew there was a risk that people may not understand/misinterpret the data and I'd like to find ways to mitigate it. One fast way would be to put clearer warnings on pages like http://activity.openstack.org/dash/newbrowser/browser/scm-companies.html and http://activity.openstack.org/data/display/OPNSTK2/Organizations Stackalytics would need also to put a clear warning on http://stackalytics.com/. It may not solve the root cause but at least it may suggest reporters to ask for confirmation of the data shown before making assumptions about companies and their involvement in OpenStack. For the medium term, I am hoping that we can build a service that can export data from the OpenStack membership database to reporting services, stackalytics and the others. It's not a simple task though because of member's privacy. Two new bugs filed on this topic, let's discuss there how to solve this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/stackalytics/+bug/1260135 https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-community/+bug/1260140 Thanks, /stef -- Ask and answer questions on https://ask.openstack.org