[openstack-dev] problems with rabbitmq on HA controller failure...anyone seen this?

Vishvananda Ishaya vishvananda at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 18:37:10 UTC 2013

On Nov 29, 2013, at 9:24 PM, Chris Friesen <chris.friesen at windriver.com> wrote:

> On 11/29/2013 06:37 PM, David Koo wrote:
>> On Nov 29, 02:22:17 PM (Friday), Chris Friesen wrote:
>>> We're currently running Grizzly (going to Havana soon) and we're
>>> running into an issue where if the active controller is ungracefully
>>> killed then nova-compute on the compute node doesn't properly
>>> connect to the new rabbitmq server on the newly-active controller
>>> node.
>>> Interestingly, killing and restarting nova-compute on the compute
>>> node seems to work, which implies that the retry code is doing
>>> something less effective than the initial startup.
>>> Has anyone doing HA controller setups run into something similar?
> As a followup, it looks like if I wait for 9 minutes or so I see a message in the compute logs:
> 2013-11-30 00:02:14.756 1246 ERROR nova.openstack.common.rpc.common [-] Failed to consume message from queue: Socket closed
> It then reconnects to the AMQP server and everything is fine after that.  However, any instances that I tried to boot during those 9 minutes stay stuck in the "BUILD" status.
>>     So the rabbitmq server and the controller are on the same node?
> Yes, they are.
> > My
>> guess is that it's related to this bug 856764 (RabbitMQ connections
>> lack heartbeat or TCP keepalives). The gist of it is that since there
>> are no heartbeats between the MQ and nova-compute, if the MQ goes down
>> ungracefully then nova-compute has no way of knowing. If the MQ goes
>> down gracefully then the MQ clients are notified and so the problem
>> doesn't arise.
> Sounds about right.
>>     We got bitten by the same bug a while ago when our controller node
>> got hard reset without any warning!. It came down to this bug (which,
>> unfortunately, doesn't have a fix yet). We worked around this bug by
>> implementing our own crude fix - we wrote a simple app to periodically
>> check if the MQ was alive (write a short message into the MQ, then
>> read it out again). When this fails n-times in a row we restart
>> nova-compute. Very ugly, but it worked!
> Sounds reasonable.
> I did notice a kombu heartbeat change that was submitted and then backed out again because it was buggy. I guess we're still waiting on the real fix?

Hi Chris,

This general problem comes up a lot, and one fix is to use keepalives. Note that more is needed if you are using multi-master rabbitmq, but for failover I have had great success with the following (also posted to the bug):

When a connection to a socket is cut off completely, the receiving side doesn't know that the connection has dropped, so you can end up with a half-open connection. The general solution for this in linux is to turn on TCP_KEEPALIVES. Kombu will enable keepalives if the version number is high enough (>1.0 iirc), but rabbit needs to be specially configured to send keepalives on the connections that it creates.

So solving the HA issue generally involves a rabbit config with a section like the following:

 {rabbit, [{tcp_listen_options, [binary,
                                {packet, raw},
                                {reuseaddr, true},
                                {backlog, 128},
                                {nodelay, true},
                                {exit_on_close, false},
                                {keepalive, true}]}

Then you should also shorten the keepalive sysctl settings or it will still take ~2 hrs to terminate the connections:

echo "5" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time
echo "5" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl

Obviously this should be done in a sysctl config file instead of at the command line. Note that if you only want to shorten the rabbit keepalives but keep everything else as a default, you can use an LD_PRELOAD library to do so. For example you could use:



> Chris
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