[openstack-dev] Using openstack-common WSGI to build a RESTful service

Adrian Smith adrian_f_smith at dell.com
Thu Oct 18 14:06:42 UTC 2012

I'm investigating options for building a RESTful service and one of
those options is openstack-common's wsgi module. I've experimented
with the wsgi, service, cfg, config modules but with the lack of an
clear example I'm getting tied up in knots. Could someone please
provide some sample code or direct me towards some.

I see there's been some discussion about this subject recently [1][2].
Have any core projects plans to migrate to openstack-common wsgi?


[1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2012-September/001140.html
[2] http://etherpad.openstack.org/grizzly-common-wsgi-frameworks

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