[legal-discuss] CCLA not available anywhere except the non-printable/non-downloadable esign app?

Hugo Roy hugo at fsfe.org
Thu Feb 5 21:50:17 UTC 2015

↪ 2015-02-05 Thu 22:08, Jeremy Stanley <fungi at yuggoth.org>:
> On 2015-02-05 21:26:22 +0100 (+0100), Hugo Roy wrote:
> Gerrit displays the text of the agreement on the page where
> you choose whether or not to agree to it. When you click "New
> Contributor Agreement" and select the radio button for ICLA it
> expands a box immediately below it to display the entirety of the
> text of the agreement with a heading "Review the agreement" before
> you can enter the words "I AGREE" below. If it did not do this in
> your browser, that's definitely a bug.
> I concur that for a legal document this is still suboptimal and
> people would probably like to refer to it outside of our contributor
> workflow, certainly long before going through the trouble of signing
> up for a contributor account only to discover that they disagree
> with the terms and would prefer not to be associated with our
> project.

I did not make it that far indeed, and I was only interested in
reading the document.

I think the modification on the wiki is enough to fix this.


Best regards,

Hugo Roy – Free Software Foundation Europe https://fsfe.org/about/roy
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