Fwd: Horizon translation importing policy for Havana RC1
Hi, Looks like my initial reply was missed to mailing list hence forwarding this to list. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Hi all, I am totally new to this Openstack project but would like to provide my opinion. On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 12:07 PM, Akihiro Motoki <amotoki@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
We discussed the criteria of importing Horizon translation for Havana RC1 and agreed that we will import only 100% translations at the last I18N meeting.
I have several questions to clarify. What do you think? I would like to know opinions from I18N team?
(1) What is 100% translated? Does 100% mean that all **three** resources (Horizon, Horizon JavaScript, OpenStack Dashboard) are completed?
I think any project when get 100% translated status for all their po files in it, one can say that language is 100% supported.
(2) Do we remove translations not completed (<100%) from Horizon repo? RC1 release is created from the repo. This means that if we don't remove them non-completed translations will be shipped in RC1.
I don't thing we should ignore the efforts of language translators by not including partial translations. At least I see that can be a start for localized user to get familiar with those translated strings in UI. But yes assessing the translation quality is a different topic here.
(3) What should the language list of the user preference form be? I believe the default language list is important. - All 100% translated languages should be listed. Some languages needs to be added. - Non 100% translated languages should be removed or listed? If so what is the criteria? Over 50% on Transifex?
Let all languages be listed there. If decision need to be taken for removal of partial translated languages then better remove all and have only 100% translated languages else list all. Regards, Parag Nemade
participants (1)
Parag N(पराग़)