During the Mitaka RC phase, I released django-openstack-auth only for translation. At that time, I was asked from Doug Hellmann, the release manamgement PTL, whether the i18n team can start translations for libraries earlier, i.e., sooner before the freeze date of libraries. [1] Can we do this in Newton or later? If we accept this, please keep it in mind when planning translation schedule and make sure to announce it to the team. I am just sharing information and won't lead this discussion. I have been coordinating this kind of things for long and now am tired to do it. I hope someone else takes the role. Background: django-openstack-auth is a library used by horizon. In the OpenStack release process, all libraries are frozen when the milestone-3 is cut. [1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-March/090112.html