Hi Akihiro,
I understand your concern. These are translations that were completed outside of Zanata, using our previous process. They were translated using the same guidelines as the previous IBM contributions. While they are professionally done and well tested, they have not been written to conform to OpenStack community guidelines. It's likely any issues that existed in the previous IBM translations will exist with these as well.
I agree this is not a good long term way to complete translations. I'm not sure if you are aware, but our Italian translation center has completed a pilot of working directly in Zanata. Notice the high completion percentage for Horizon Italian. I expect to have broader participation in this area during the translation of Mitaka.
We would like to contribute these translations to help with the OpenStack translation effort. I understand that because they were not translated with the same guidelines they may instead be burdensome to the translators. I believe this is the purpose of creating the branch for offline translations: so that language coordinators can evaluate if the translations are actually beneficial to our OpenStack translation efforts, or if they are inconsistent with the language's guidelines and more trouble than they are worth. I certainly understand that creating and populating a branch does not mean that these translations will actually be accepted.
I'd like to have the branch created so that the review can take place. What do you think?

----- Original message -----
From: Akihiro Motoki <amotoki@gmail.com>
To: Douglas Fish/Rochester/IBM@IBMUS
Cc: "openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org" <openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-i18n] IBM translations to contribute
Date: Mon, Jan 11, 2016 11:09 PM
Hi Doug,

Thanks for continuing the effort.

I have two questions.

First, why do we need to use a branch again.
We already set up the translation platform and IBM team can translate
on Zanata directly
as we discussed in Liberty cycle. There is no reason to use a branch
and push translation bursty again.

Second, is existing community translation guideline per language team
honored in the contributed translations?
When talking about Japanese, we saw a lot of different translation
guidelines on wording in the last IBM translation contributed in
As a reviewer, we don't want to comment the same thing again.
After we Japanese review team reviewed Liberty contribution from IBM,
we don't receive any feedback/response/discussion from IBM team,
so I am afraid we need to do the similar again. It need to be avoided.
Otherwise reviewers will lose their energy.
Could you comment on the situation?


2016-01-12 12:54 GMT+09:00 Douglas Fish <drfish@us.ibm.com>:
> We have translations to contribute for languages
> de  es  fr  it  ja  ko_KR  pt_BR  ru  zh_CN  zh_TW
> for ceilometer, cinder, glance, keystone, neutron, and nova
> These are additional translations performed by the same teams that
> translated our previous contributions. They have been reviewed and tested. I
> estimate up to 35K messages will be contributed across the 10 languages and
> 6 components.
> Following the process outlined here
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-i18n/2015-September/001388.html
> I am requesting that a branch be created in Zanata to facilitate review of
> these translations by the language coordinators.
> Thanks
> Doug
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