From: Alex Eng <> To: "Kato, Tomoyuki" <> Cc: Akihiro Motoki <>, Ying Chun Guo/China/ IBM@IBMCN, Openstack-i18n <> Date: 2016/02/29 05:59 Subject: Re: [Openstack-i18n] To language team coordinators: get ready for Mitaka translation
On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 7:08 PM, Kato, Tomoyuki <
wrote: Beyond this, the current format of PO file for the glossary lacks an essential feature as I described before. There is no way to describe
Thank you for the information, Alex. I know Zanata allows to import glossaries from CSV and po files. I can see a sample of CSV file, with "description" and "pos" field[1]. Can you provide us a sample of po file, with "description" and "pos" field for an entry ? Best regards Ying Chun Guo (Daisy) [1] Alex Eng <> wrote on 2016/02/29 05:58:23: the
context. I wonder how the glossary help translations without the contextual information. As a result, Japanese team is forced to describe contextual information in translated strings. This is the reason we preferred to Wiki style glossary.
From the above observation, does it sound a good option to clear the whole entry of Zanata glossary of a specific language?
FYI, as of Zanata 3.8, we support same source string with unique "description" and "pos" field for each glossary entry. This will help translator with more context information and able to have similar string with different context.
Alex Eng Senior Software Engineer Globalisation Tools Engineering DID: +61 3514 8262 Mobile: +614 2335 3457
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