Hi, all

There will be OpenStack I18n team meeting at 0000UTC on Thursday (Nov 21th) in IRC channel #openstack-meeting.
The time, we use Asia/America friendly time. Welcome to join the meeting.

This is the first I18n meeting after Icehouse design summit.
Summarize of the design summit in I18n areas can be found here:

This time, we will cover following topics this time:

* Horizon translation update
* I18n team structure discussion
* Reorganize wiki page
* Blueprints & bugs tracking
* Plans in Icehouse cycle
* Open discussion 

For more details, please look into https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting.

You can also contact us through IRC channel #openstack-translation, or mailing address: openstack-i18n@list.openstack.org.
Please refer to our wiki page for more details in the I18n area: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18nTeam

Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)