Hi all, I updated the String Freeze wiki page [0] to reflect the main points discussed in this thread and in [1]. Let me know how I can improve it and if there is something I misunderstood. I also decided to add a link to that wiki in [2] in order to keep consistency. I decided not to wipe the feature freeze description there because the way it is written is more adequate for translators and complements [0]. Cheers, [0] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StringFreeze [1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-March/029868.html [2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Translations#String_Freeze 2014-03-31 5:33 GMT-03:00 Ying Chun Guo <guoyingc@cn.ibm.com>:
Hello, Julie
Thank you for bring it up. Yes, the wiki page for string freeze should be updated.
See my comments below.
Best regards Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)
Julie Pichon <jpichon@redhat.com> wrote on 2014/03/26 02:43:00:
Julie Pichon <jpichon@redhat.com> 2014/03/26 02:43
"openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org" <openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org>,
[Openstack-i18n] Clarifying String Freeze
Hi all,
During the weekly Horizon meeting [0], a few questions from the Horizon team came up about String Freeze. I think the wiki page on String Freeze [1] at the moment does not match the wishes of the translation team, based on previous conversations [2].
It would be really helpful if the wiki page could be updated to match what the i18n team would prefer. At the moment, in Horizon it seems what we're doing, and planning on doing, is this (somewhat similar to what happened in Havana):
- During String Freeze and until RC1, small string changes are ok (Horizon core can just approve) - During String Freeze, string changes in the "grey zone" should use the exception approval process on the wiki (email to i18n list)
What do you mean by "grey zone"? Does it include the "small string changes" mentioned in the previous item?
- After RC1 is released, every string change should follow the exception approval process on the wiki (email to i18n list) ??? - this isn't clearly defined yet, maybe it needs to be earlier?
I think, after RC1, we should avoid string changes. If a string change is required strongly, I18n team should be notified. Because most of translation teams will complete translation before RC1 is shipped. Then they might not pay much attention to the update of strings. I think the third item in the process of "exception of SF" has mentioned to send email to openstack-i18n.
Point #3 is about when the "soft freeze" needs to become a "hard freeze".
What is the grey zone? I'm not entirely sure either. An example was: adding several new strings for what could be considered a "mini-feature", during the RC period. Perhaps we can start with this kind of examples + "when in doubt, ask on the i18n list" to define what is the grey zone.
It's hard to define the "grey zone". In my mind, below two cases should be accepted: 1. A string is misunderstanding and should be updated. 2. A string should be translated yet not marked with _().
What else is in your mind?
In general, I think updating the wiki page would really help reviewers assess patches with a clearer understanding of what is helpful to the i18n/translation team during string freeze, and what might require exception approval or more discussion.
Thank you,
I think, a notification mechanism will be helpful. We might not force developers to add "String Impact" tag. We could revise the jobs to update Transifex resources to add a step to send a notification to translators. It's possible.
[0] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/horizon/2014/horizon.
2014-03-25-16.00.log.html [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StringFreeze [2]
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