Le 27/06/2014 09:48, Ying Chun Guo a écrit :
I need more information. I don't know which specific part you mentioned.
Do you mean: {% trans "More" %} »
{% trans "More »" %} ?
If so, I prefer the first one.
The first one, the translator sees "More" The second one the translator sees "More »" The issue with the second one is that at first a translator might not know what " »" is. But this can be solved easily by adding a doc for translators pointing to something like http://www.econlib.org/library/asciicodes.html, or even better: using "Comments for translators": https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18n/TranslatableStrings#Use_Comments_for_tr... with a link to http://www.econlib.org/library/asciicodes.html in the comment. The issue with the first one is that if a punctuation represents characters which do not exist in the target translation, you end-up with an irremediably broken translation. And even if the punctuation exists in the target language, some translators might prefer " >" to " »", and who knows, maybe that in languages where people read from right to left, they would prefer " «" (honestly I don't know for this particular case, but why not?)? In some languages the punctuation uses completely different char sets as you can see in the links I gave to Doug in this thread: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-i18n/2014-June/000665.html So In all cases we have to deal with two issues. One of the issues is where a translator sees unfriendly " »" but we can be overcome it with "Comments for translators" and/or a URL pointing to a documentation. The other issue is having characters which do not exist in the target languages and is unsolvable for the translator. Honestly I prefer an issue where the translator has to think a little but can overcome it, rather than being stuck in a dead-end issue. And we can help the translator with a simple URL when it comes to having HTML characters to translate. -- Yves-Gwenaël Bourhis