Hello all, Today, I would like to announce new I18n IRC meeting time and explain detail backgrounds on new meeting time schedule. First of all, our new I18n IRC meeting time will be - odd weeks: 1 hour from 13:00 UTC (Oct 13, Oct 27, Nov 10, Nov 24, Dec 8, ...) - even weeks: 1 hour from 07:00 UTC (Oct 6, Oct 20, Nov 3, Nov 17, Dec 1, ...) Note that it is different from current schedule: 1st and 3rd week in a month, and the next I18n IRC meeting will be at *07:00 UTC on October 6th 2016* in #openstack-meeting IRC channel. We started discussions on such kind of new IRC meeting schedule from May ([1] as subsequent) but finalization was not so easy. On last I18n meeting [2], me and Kato-san discussed and agreed that changing I18n meeting time is worth. After then, since I have became Ocata PTL for six months, I needed to consider again and more. The followings are my ideas on new I18n IRC meeting time: - My participation is indeed needed. However, from October to December this year, I am not available neither or 06:00 UTC and 08:00 UTC on every Thursday. 07:00 UTC is the only available time slot for me. I really sorry for that. - Encouragement with standardization is usually the most nice way. Previous schedule (1st and 3rd week in every month) does not fit with official eavesdrop.o.o schedule [3], which may prevent more participation from contributors. In my honest opinion, following standards, documenting the logistics according to the standards, and meeting reminders to the team will be relevant steps for better I18n team. So I proposed new meeting time slots [4], revised I18n meeting information [5] with previous meeting logs [6], and now writing this e-mail. - Actually I am also busy as other translators and contributors. As you see [6], I have observed that Kato-san participated in I18n teem meeting the most, and JF Taltavull also participated in meetings. So I would like to nominate them as I18n meeting chairs, and asked the availability on both time. (07:00 UTC is fine for Kato-san and 13:00 UTC is fine for JF Taltavull.) Note that every I18n team members can start I18n meeting by using "#startmeeting OpenStack I18n Meeting" command (documented in [7]). And I would like to more focus on communications and updating related documents [5] [6] and taking actions. So from now, we will have more I18n meetings every week and it might be more number of meetings compared to current status. But I would like to see more members in meetings, and occasional participation is also fine :) If this new meeting time schedule might not fit to all, I will reconsider to revise meeting time schedule. Please feel free to tell me or here: openstack-i18n@lists.openstack.org . And finally, for our next meeting on UTC 07:00 October 6, the following topics are currently I think: - Newton translation result summary - Translation change criteria on Hard String freeze period - Planning I18n contributor's meetup on Ocata Design Summit - Open discussions [1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-i18n/2016-June/002220.html [2] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_i18n_meeting/2016/openstac... [3] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#I18N_Team_Meeting [4] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/380998/ [5] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/I18nTeamMeeting [6] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/I18N/MeetingLogs [7] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/i18n-meeting With many thanks, /Ian