Hello, team

There are several responses to the mail "Review IRC meeting time"[1].
I don't see objections. So let's use them from now on.
I hope active team members could have chances to join the discussion at least once a month.
If these two time slots are not suitable for you, please let me know.
We could still adjust the meeting times in the future.

Tomorrow, we will have the IRC meeting at UTC 0600 in the channel #openstack-meeting, on June 4th.

Following topics would be covered:
* Briefing of I18n meetings in Vancouver summit
* Criteria of I18n core members and active members
* Open discussions

Hope to talk to you then.

Best regards
Ying Chun Guo (Daisy)

[1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-i18n/2015-June/001107.html