[election][tc] TC Candidacy for Bobcat
Hi all, I am announcing my candidacy to continue working on the OpenStack Technical Committee for another year[1][2]. I'm a software engineer at the MOC Alliance[0], an initiative from major universities in the Boston area to create and operate public and open clouds. I've been involved with OpenStack for the past 8 years as a user, operator, developer, and community member. I have also served as the PTL of Keystone[3][4]. I am passionate about open source, governance, and keeping the community healthy and I believe I bring a different perspective to the Technical Committee thanks to working for academia. My focus in the previous term as well as in the coming one will continue to be in facilitating discussions, whether they are internal to a team, between project teams, or between OpenStack and other projects. In pursuit of that goal, I ran unsuccessfully for chair of the Technical Committee, which I plan to do so again this cycle If I am re-elected. I also assisted in running the Antelope cycle elections and I plan on continuing to assist with them. Please allow me once again the honor of representing you, and the opportunity to continue contributing to the community that I owe so much to and want to see grow and succeed. Thank you for your time and consideration, Kristi Nikolla (he/him) [0]. https://massopen.cloud [1]. https://opendev.org/openstack/election/raw/branch/master/candidates/victoria... [2]. https://opendev.org/openstack/election/raw/branch/master/candidates/zed/TC/k... [3]. https://opendev.org/openstack/election/raw/branch/master/candidates/victoria... [4]. https://opendev.org/openstack/election/raw/branch/master/candidates/wallaby/...
participants (1)
Nikolla, Kristi