[nova][dev] project self-evaluation against TC technical vision
Howdy everyone, About a month ago, the TC sent out a mail [1] asking projects to complete a self-evaluation exercise against the technical vision for OpenStack clouds, published by the TC [2]. The self-evaluation is to be added to our in-tree docs as a living document to be updated over time as things change. To paraphrase from [1], the intent of the exercise is to help projects identify areas they can work on to improve alignment with the rest of OpenStack. The doc should be a concise, easily consumable list of things that interested contributors can work on. Here are examples of vision reflection documents: * openstack/ironic: https://review.openstack.org/629060 * openstack/placement: https://review.openstack.org/630216 I have created an etherpad for us to use to fill in ideas for our vision reflection document: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-tc-vision-self-eval I'd like to invite everyone in the nova community including operators, users, and developers to join the etherpad and share their thoughts on how nova can improve its alignment to the technical vision for OpenStack clouds. Feel free to add or modify sections as you like. And once we've collected ideas for the doc, I (or anyone) can propose a doc patch to openstack/nova, to be included with our in-tree documentation. Cheers, -melanie [1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-January/001417.h... [2] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/technical-vision.html
participants (1)
melanie witt