[dev][tc][ptl] Evaluating projects in relation to OpenStack cloud vision

Julia Kreger juliaashleykreger at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 15:53:54 UTC 2019

As some of you may or may not have heard, recently the Technical
Committee approved a technical vision document [1].

The goal of the technical vision document is to try to provide a
reference point for cloud infrastructure software in an ideal
universe. It is naturally recognized that not all items will apply to
all projects.

With that in mind, we want to encourage projects to leverage the
vision by performing a realistic self-evaluation to determine how
their individual project compares to the technical vision: What gaps
exist in the project that could be closed to be more in alignment with
the vision? Are there aspects of the vision which are inappropriate
for the project to such a degree that the vision itself should change,
not the project?

We envision the results of the evaluation to be added to each
project's primary contributor documentation tree
(/doc/source/contributor/vision-reflection.rst) as a list of bullet
points detailing areas where a project feels they need adjustment to
better align with the technical vision, and if the project already has
visibility into a path forward, that as well.

As with all things of this nature, we anticipate projects to treat the
document as a living document and update it as each project's
contributors feel necessary. If an individual project community feels
something in the overall OpenStack community technical vision does not
apply, that is okay. If the project community feels that something in
the vision is wrong for the whole of OpenStack, please feel free to
submit a revision to gerrit in order to start that discussion.

Once projects have performed a realistic self-evaluation, we ask each
project to then consider those items they identified in their future
planning as areas that could use the attention of contributors.

To be very explicit about this, the intent is to help enable projects
to identify areas for improved alignment with the rest of OpenStack
using a short, concise, easily consumable list that can be referenced
in planning, or even by drive-by contributors if they are intrigued by
a specific problem.


Julia Kreger & Chris Dent

[1] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/technical-vision.html

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