[dev][trove] Self-introduction and request to merge PRs
Hello, I am Hirotaka Wakabayashi from Tokyo. This is my first post to openstack-discuss. My goal in OpenStack Project is to learn the OpenStack Infrastructures anddevelop them together and to enlarge the community in Japan if I could. I am a software engineer. In this 10 years, I have been a backend developer in Yahoo Japan Corporation. I have been using FreeBSD, Fedora-based Linux Distros. I mostly use C/C++ and sometime use python recently. I am a Trove contributor from two years ago and I submitted the following PRs last week, but does anybody kindly merge them? I think they are verysmall code changes and easy to understand, but the #832786 and #833497are very important to make Trove on master branch work correctly. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/trove/+/832786 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/trove-dashboard/+/833497 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/trove/+/833361 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/trove/+/833501 I asked to merge them in #openstack-trove yesterday, but I got no response. So I posted this email here. Any questions are welcome! Thanks in advance, Hirotaka Wakabayashi GPG Key UID: "Hirotaka Wakabayashi <hiwkby@yahoo.com>" GPG fingerprint: "3F54 9D91 A73A 1F31 8CA8 8A9F 050F 5312 F0D7 DBCD"
participants (1)
Hirotaka Wakabayashi