Hello, I am Hirotaka Wakabayashi from Tokyo. This is my first post to
My goal in OpenStack Project is to learn the OpenStack Infrastructures and
develop them together and to enlarge the community in Japan if I could.
I am a software engineer. In this 10 years, I have been a backend developer
in Yahoo Japan Corporation. I have been using FreeBSD, Fedora-based Linux
Distros. I mostly use C/C++ and sometime use python recently.
I am a Trove contributor from two years ago and I submitted the following
PRs last week, but does anybody kindly merge them? I think they are very
small code changes and easy to understand, but the #832786 and #833497
are very important to make Trove on master branch work correctly.
I asked to merge them in #openstack-trove yesterday, but I got no response.
So I posted this email here. Any questions are welcome!
Thanks in advance,
Hirotaka Wakabayashi
GPG Key UID: "Hirotaka Wakabayashi <hiwkby@yahoo.com>"
GPG fingerprint: "3F54 9D91 A73A 1F31 8CA8 8A9F 050F 5312 F0D7 DBCD"