On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 9:22 PM Mark Goddard <mark@stackhpc.com> wrote:
On Wed, 19 Jan 2022 at 11:15, Takashi Kajinami <tkajinam@redhat.com> wrote:
(The topic doesn't include puppet but ...) I recently spent some time implementing initial support for SRBAC in Puppet OpenStack. You can find details in the etherpad[1] I created as my working note. It includes some items commonly required by all
in addition to ones specific to puppet. [1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/puppet-secure-rbac
Thanks for responding, Takashi - that's useful.
I expect some of them (especially the configuration parameters) would be
by TripleO later.
Question: should the role be added with system scope or in the existing service project? The obvious main use for this is token validation, which seems to allow system or project scope.
I'd add one more question which is; Which roles should be assigned for the service users ?
In the project which already implemented SRBAC, system-admin + system-reader allows any API calls and works like the previous project-admin.
IIUC the direction of travel has changed, and now the intention is that system-admin won't have access to project-scoped APIs.
For token validations system-reader(or service role) would be enough but
there are
some system-admin-only APIs (os-server-external-events API in nova called by neutron, Create allocation in placement called by nova or neutron) used for communications between services.
The token validation API has the following default policy:
identity:validate_token: (role:reader and system_scope:all) or rule:service_role or rule:token_subject
So system-reader, system-admin or service (any scope) should work. The spec suggests that the service role is intended for use by service to service APIs, in this case the credentials provided in the keystone_authtoken config. I would guess that system scope makes most sense here with the service role, although the rule suggests it would work with project scope and the service role.
I noticed I ignored implied roles... Thanks for clarifying that. I understand and I agree with this. Considering the intention of SRBAC this would fix better with system-scoped, as you earlier mentioned but I'll defer to the others.
If we agree system-admin + system-reader is the right set then I'll
assignment accordingly. This is important for Puppet OpenStack because
update the default role there are implementations
in puppet (which is usually called as providers) to manage some resources like Flavors, and these rely on credentials of service users after trying to look up user credentials.
I think one of the outcomes of this work is that authentication will necessarily become a bit more fine-grained. It might not make sense to have the same role assignments for all users. To your example, I would say that registering flavors should be done by a different user with different permissions than a service user. In kolla-ansible we don't really register flavors other than for octavia - this is up to operators.
My main concern was that some service users would require system-admin but I should have read this part more carefully. https://opendev.org/openstack/governance/src/branch/master/goals/selected/co... So Assigning the service role (for the proper scope which is asked in the original thread) is the right way to go. For the provider stuff I'll look into any available option to replace usage of service user credential but that's specific to Puppet which we can ignore here in this discussion.
On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 7:40 PM Mark Goddard <mark@stackhpc.com> wrote:
If you haven't been paying close attention, it would be easy to miss some of the upcoming RBAC changes which will have an impact on deployment projects. I thought I'd start a thread so that we can share how we are approaching this, get answers to open questions, and ideally all end up with a fairly consistent approach.
The secure RBAC work has a long history, and continues to evolve. According to [1], we should start to see some fairly substantial changes over the next few releases. That spec is fairly long, but worth a read.
In the yoga timeline [2], there is one change in particular that has an impact on deployment projects, "3. Keystone enforces scope by default". After this change, all of the deprecated policies that many still rely on in Keystone will be removed.
In kolla-ansible, we have an etherpad [5] with some notes, questions and half-baked plans. We made some changes in Xena [3] to use system scope in some places when interacting with system APIs in Ansible tasks.
The next change we have staged is to add the service role to all service users [4], in preparation for [2].
Question: should the role be added with system scope or in the existing service project? The obvious main use for this is token validation, which seems to allow system or project scope.
We anticipate that some service users may still require some project-scoped roles, e.g. when creating resources for octavia. We'll deal with those on a case by case basis.
In anticipation of keystone setting enforce_scope=True and removing old default policies (which I assume effectively removes enforce_new_defaults?), we will set this in kolla-ansible, and try to deal with any fallout. Hopefully the previous work will make this minimal.
How does that line up with other projects' approaches? What have we
[2] https://opendev.org/openstack/governance/src/branch/master/goals/selected/co... [3] https://opendev.org/openstack/kolla-ansible/commit/2e933dceb591c3505f35c2c1d... [4] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/815577 [5] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/enabling-system-scope-in-kolla-ansible