Yes! is no fun to attempt to be helpful on (see e-mail notification issues, etc.). I would like to ask that we put together some sort of guide and/or guidence for how to use stack overflow efficiently for OpenStack questions. I.e. some well known or defined tags that we recommend people use when asking questions. This would be similar to the tags we use for the openstack discuss list. I see that there is already a trend for "openstack-nova" "openstack-horizon", etc. This works for me. This way we can setup notifications for these tags and be much more efficient at getting people answers. Thanks Thierry for moving this forward! Michael On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 5:10 PM Jeremy Stanley <> wrote:
On 2020-08-19 09:52:47 +1000 (+1000), Ian Wienand wrote: [...]
*If* we were to restore it now, it looks like 0.11 branch comes with an upstream Dockerfile [1]; there's lots of examples now in system-config of similar container-based production sites and this could fit in.
This makes it significantly easier than trying to build up everything it requires from scratch, and if upstream keep their container compatible (a big if...) theoretically less work to keep updated. [...]
Which also brings up another point: right now we're running it on Ubuntu Xenial (16.04 LTS) which is scheduled to reach EOL early next year, and the tooling we're using to deploy it isn't going to work on newer Ubuntu releases. Even keeping it up in a read-only state is timebound to how long we can safely keep its server online. If we switch to read-only now, I would still plan to turn it off entirely on or before April 1, 2021. -- Jeremy Stanley