Le mar. 30 août 2022 à 17:45, Előd Illés elod.illes@est.tech a écrit :
This is a reminder, that *this week* is the week for Cycle highlights [1][2]! They need to be added to deliverable yamls so that they can be included in release marketing preparations. (See the details about how to add them at the project team guide [3].)
I'm confused. If I read correctly [3] it says that cycle highlights can be delivered at RC1 which makes sense to me as it's post-FeatureFreeze. Asking for cycle highlights the week of the FeatureFreeze is both counterproductive and non-logic : While some changes are still on debate and while we're not yet done with merging features, we need to write a document saying what we'll get.
Couldn't we officially accept the projects to provide their highlights only at RC1 ? Is it a marketing problem because RC1 is closer to the GA ? -Sylvain
[1] https://releases.openstack.org/zed/schedule.html [2] https://releases.openstack.org/zed/schedule.html#z-cycle-highlights [3] https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/release-management.html#cycle-...
Előd Illés irc: elodilles