On 1/11/21 10:57 AM, Moises Guimaraes de Medeiros wrote:
Hi Brian,
During Oslo's last weekly meeting [1] we decided that Oslo can take cursive under its umbrella with collaboration of Barbican folks. I just waited a bit with this confirmation as the Barbican PTL was on PTO and I wanted to confirm with him.
What are the next steps from here?
Thanks so much for following up! I think you need to do something like these patches from Ghanshyam to move devstack-plugin-nfs from x/ to openstack/ and bring it under QA governance: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/711834 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/711835 LMK if you want me to propose the patches, my intent is to get this issue solved, not to make more work for you! cheers, brian
[1]: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/oslo/2021/oslo.2021-01-04-16.00.log.... <http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/oslo/2021/oslo.2021-01-04-16.00.log.html#l-64>
Thanks, Moisés
On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 10:06 PM Douglas Mendizabal <dmendiza@redhat.com <mailto:dmendiza@redhat.com>> wrote:
On 12/16/20 12:50 PM, Ben Nemec wrote: > > > On 12/16/20 12:02 PM, Brian Rosmaita wrote: >> Hello Barbican team, >> >> Apologies for not including barbican in the previous thread on this >> topic: >> >> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-December/019430.... <http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-December/019430.html>
>> >> >> The situation is that cursive is used by Nova, Glance, and Cinder and >> we'd like to move it out of the 'x' namespace into openstack >> governance. The question is then what team would oversee it. It >> seems like a good fit for Oslo, and the Oslo team seems OK with that, >> but since barbican-core is currently included in cursive-core, it make >> sense to give the Barbican team first dibs. >> >> From the consuming teams' side, I don't think we have a preference as >> long as it's clear who we need to bother about approvals if a bugfix >> is posted for review. >> >> Thus my ask is that the Barbican team indicate whether they'd like to >> move cursive to the 'openstack' namespace under their governance, or >> whether they'd prefer Oslo to oversee the library. > > Note that this is not necessarily an either/or thing. Castellan is under > Oslo governance but is co-owned by the Oslo and Barbican teams. We could > do a similar thing with Cursive. >
Hi Brian and Ben,
Sorry I missed the original thread. Given that the end of the year is around the corner, most of the Barbican team is out on PTO and we haven't had a chance to discuss this in our weekly meeting.
That said, I doubt anyone would object to moving cursive into the openstack namespace.
I personally do not mind the Oslo team taking over maintenace, and I am also willing to help review patches if the Oslo team would like to co-own this library just like we currently do for Castellan.
- Douglas Mendizábal (redrobot)
Moisés Guimarães
Software Engineer
Red Hat <https://www.redhat.com>