Hi Stackers, I'm not active anymore on OpenStack projects as I've been asked to focus on Openshift migration projects earlier this year after moving from Australia to France. Unless someone for Neutron core has the bandwidth to continue that experiment then the feature branch is to disappear. Because it would be difficult to go deeper without knowledge specific to Neutron. If you have any question please let me know. In the meantime, I wish you guys all the best. Cheers, Gilles On 29/8/19 10:09 am, Lajos Katona wrote:
For the last summit in Denver we planned a demo with Gilles and presentation of the aletrnatives graphql & openAPIv3, but as it was not supported the PoC slowly died. If I understand well as nobody has time/resource to work with API refactoring it is now out of the scope of Openstackt.
Regards Lajos
Michael McCune <elmiko@redhat.com <mailto:elmiko@redhat.com>> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. aug. 28., Sze, 21:03):
On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 1:56 PM Miguel Lavalle <miguel@mlavalle.com <mailto:miguel@mlavalle.com>> wrote:
Dear Stackers,
Some time ago we created a feature branch in the Neutron repo for a PoC with graphql: https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron/src/branch/feature/graphql
Is this PoC still going on? Is the branch still needed? The branch has been inactive since January and we are finding that patches against this branch don't pass zuul tests: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/678144/. If the branch is still being used, the team working on it should fix it so tests pass. If it is not used, let's remove it. If I don't hear back from anyone having interest in maintaining this branch by September 6th, I will go ahead and remove it.
i just wanted to chime in from the api-sig. we had originally been helping to organize this experiment with graphql, but i have not heard any updates about the project in quite awhile (> 9 months). the main contact i had for this project was +Gilles Dubreuil <mailto:gilles@redhat.com> , i have cc'd him on this email.
peace o/
Thanks an regards