Your problem description is extremely vague. Which versions did you try, what were the symptoms, what did your configuration files look like?
The most recent version of OpenStack that I installed with Devstack was Zed. It was successful. Have you tried Kolla-Ansible?
From: Felipe Mogollon Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 5:24 PM To: openstack-discuss Subject: Advice on Openstack installer
Hello to everyone,
I have some experience in installing Openstack but I am having some weird problems lately.
I have installed Openstack Victoria previously using packstack and everything was working fine.
Some days ago I tried to deploy a more updated version of Openstack and previous configuration that I was using with packstack is not working. I have tried to deploy a new Openstack with packstack and devstack and none of them were working.
I would like to ask you if you kown a running installer because I have run out of ideas about what to do.