On Sat, 2021-07-03 at 09:02 +0200, Jens Harbott wrote:
On 7/2/21 8:24 AM, Manu B wrote:
Hi everyone,
This is a doubt regarding existing IPv6 advertisement support for BGP in the current n-d-r repo.
From the documentation, it is mentioned that to enable advertising IPv6 prefixes,
create an address scope with ip_version=6 and a BGP speaker with ip_version=6.
We have a use case where v4 and v6 routes must be advertised using a single v4 peer.
1. How can we advertise both v4 and v6 routes using single v4 peer?
Do we have to create 2 BGP speakers ( one for v4 and another for v6)
Then create a single BGP v4 peer and add the same peer to both the speakers?
Is this the correct approach or any other way?
MP-BGP support has been added with https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing/+/608302 , I never tested that myself, but from the release note it would seem that you configure only one speaker and one peer and then by setting proper configuration options on the peer it gets announced both v4 and v6 prefixes. you can advertiese ipv6 over ipv4 yes that is what i was doing but you still need to agents since you assocate the speaker instance with an allocation pool/subnet pools which containers only one version of ip adresses as a result i dont thing you can have a singel speaker advertise both ipv4 and ipv6 but either address space can be advertised over a ipv4 perring session.