Thanks for the reminder, Marcin. Qinling issue should be fixed in (Tip hat to Gaëtan Trellu!) --- Best regards, Lingxian Kong Catalyst Cloud On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 1:35 AM Marcin Juszkiewicz <> wrote:
Train cycle is supposed to be "we really go for Python 3" cycle. Contrary to previous "we do not have to care about Python 3" ones.
I am working on switching Kolla images into Python 3 by default [1]. It is a job I would not recommend even to my potential enemies. Misc projects fail into random ways (sent a bunch of patches).
Quite common issue is related to README files. I know that we have XXI century and UTF-8 is encoding for most of people here. But Python tools are not so advanced so far and loves to explode when see characters outside of US-ASCII encoding.
Please check your README files. And move them to US-ASCII if needed.
I already fixed few projects [2][3][4][5] but would love to see developers fixing their code too.
2. 3. 4. 5.